Today has been a rough day. Our Opa passed away last night in a fire at the nursing home that he lives in. It was sudden and a real shock to the family. No one knows as of yet what has really happened. All we know is that the fire was in his room and may have started from his oxygen tank. It happened last night at 9:30. The residence at the nursing home were evacuated and stayed either at families homes or at the Drayton Arena. The family is in the process of making arrangements as we speak.
Mike and I broke the news to our kids this morning. We gave them the option of going to school they still wanted to go to school, which may have been a good distraction for them, but I can tell that it's really hitting them hard now that they are home from school and had the day to digest the news.. Summer is very sad. She said "Oma died and now opa died, They live together with Jesus in heaven."
If we could all look at life through a childs eyes. Simple and to the point. We'll dearly miss Opa as we remember him and the things that made him 'opa'. I remember the last time I saw him, at Stacy's wedding, joking around with me while I was taking his picture. THat's how he was with my kids too. Joking and kidding around, especially with Ian.
Rest in peace Opa Deen.
(the picture below is of Stacy and opa this past August)