About Me

Country girl. Mother. sister. friend. Loves coffee, M&ms, oreo cookies, shoes, baseball, In style and Glamour, reality tv, playing piano, music, geography, anything with polkadots, medieval history, historical architecture, sunsets, travelling, and of course photography.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Work all day, maybe a little play

Well, today is going to be a full day of proofing. I have lots to catch up on. Wedding proofs to finish up and lots of family shoots to touch up. I love my work and I love my computer, but the weather this week is unbelievable. So warm and sunny. My husband and father in law are busy in the fields harvesting the corn ( another one of my favorite things of fall). My husband Mike is just is in his high glory when they take off the corn. Especially when we've been blessed with this gorgeous weather and a very abundent crop. It make working outside so much more fun. Something I wish I could do this week. I'm going to take a break later on this afternoon though. I have to meet with my daughter Megans' teacher after school, and then I'm hoping to do a shoot with my kids at the neighbors apple orchard, if my lovely children will cooperate. I can hear them now "aw mom, do we have to? we just did pictures on Sunday". Hehe. Oh the life of a photographers child.

Yesterday, my friend Jeannie phoned me from Texas. Her Husband Lawrence and her and their SIX children moved to a ranch down there in August. We miss them dearly. Especially my son Ian who was very best friends with thier son Jake. It was so great to hear from her. I also got to talk to little Kate, and Jo, and hear baby Bree too. It was an unexpected call and it just made my day.
This is my favorite picture of Ian and jake
Covered in mud and not a care in the world

1 comment:

ld said...

nice picture of the boys (especially jake)