About Me

Country girl. Mother. sister. friend. Loves coffee, M&ms, oreo cookies, shoes, baseball, In style and Glamour, reality tv, playing piano, music, geography, anything with polkadots, medieval history, historical architecture, sunsets, travelling, and of course photography.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stacy and Dan

I'm posting these for Stacy and Dan. A couple whose wedding I did the very end of August. I wasn't going to put their pictures up, but feel really bad that they haven't been able to come and pick up their wedding pictures yet. They've been really busy on the farm ( I know how it is). Especially in the fall with all the field work and combining and catching up on all the fall cleanup chores. There just aren't enough hours in the day. So I thought I'd stick a few pictures up here for a sneak peek.

This couple was a lot of fun. Willing to do anything. Most of the time I didn't even have to guide them. They were so lost in eachother that I just kept snapping their little moments. You can definately see the love these two have for one another by the way they look at eachother. Indeed, the easiest couple I've ever photographed. You guys are great!!

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